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Samsung Galaxy S5, Smartphone Canggih - Samsung merupakan salah satu perusahaan elektronik terbesar di dunia. Dari televisi, kulkas, mesin cuci, kipas angin, handphone dan lain sebagainya. Peran Samsung di pasar smartphone sangatlah besar, terbukti dengan banyaknya produk yang dirilis per tahun dan dengan banyaknya seri smartphone yang keluar.
Samsung Galaxy S5, Smartphone Canggih Dengan Fitur Sidik Jari
Samsung Galaxy S5
Salah satu produk andalan dari smartphone Samsung adalah Samsung Galaxy S5. Samsung Galaxy S5 ini merupakan generasi penerus dari Samsung galaxy S4, tentunya dengan teknologi yang lebih canggih. Rilisnya Samsung Galaxy S5 ini menggebrak pasar smartphone dunia, lantas apa saja spesifikasi dan harga dari Samsung Galaxy S5 ini?

•    Harga Samsung Galaxy S5

Produk Samsung memang terkenal dengan harganya yang mahal, namun harga mahal itu tidak terjadi semerta-merta. Harga yang mahal pada produk Samsung karena memang bahan-bahan yang dipakai untuk membuatnya merupakan bahan terbaik dan berkualitas tinggi. Begitu juga dengan Samsung Galaxy S5 ini yang dibandrol dengan harga Rp 7,5 juta. Harga tersebut dibilang mahal dibanding dengan smarphone lain di levelnya. Namun tentu harga tersebut didukung dengan spesifikasi yang memadai.

•    Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy S5

-    Dengan Harga Samsung Galaxy S5 yang mahal ini terjadi karena smartphone tersebut mempunyai kualitas layar yang canggih. Smarphone ini mempunyai lebar layar 5 inchi dengan resolusi 1080 x 1920 pixel full HD. Layar yang besar ini tentu akan membuat anda dapat menikmati fitur yang ada dengan leluasa, terlebih lagi smartphone tersebut memiliki fitur AMOLED super dan pelindung Glass Gorilla 3.

-    Selain kualitas layar yang canggih, harga Samsung Galaxy S5 yang tinggi ini juga karena diusung oleh dapur pacu yang handal. Smartphone ini dibekali processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 dan Quad-core 2.5 GHz Krait 400, OS Android v4.4.2 kitkat. Dijamin smartphone ini jauh dari kata lemot, terlebih lagi smartphone ini dibekali dengan RAM 2 GB. Permainan apapun akan berjalan dengan mulus tanpa macet.

-    Sekarang ini salah satu fitur smartphone yang paling dicari adalah kamera. Bila anda sudah foto-foto, sangat disarankan membeli Samsung Galaxy S5 ini. Dengan adanya kamera belakang sebesar 16MP dan kamera depan 2MP ini tidak heran membuat harga Samsung Galaxy S5 menjadi sangat mahal. Selain kekuatannya 16MP, kamera belakang ini juga memiliki fitur canggih antara lain LED Flash, Auto Focus Simultaneous HD video anda image recording, Geo Tagging, Face Detection, HDR, Dual Shot, Panoramic mode 1080p@60fps, Video 2160p@30fps, dual-video recording dan Super Speed Shutter.

-     Salah satu fitur yang membuat harga Samsung Galaxy S5 mahal adalah ketahanan smarphone dari debu dan air, ditandai dengan dikantonginya sertifikat IP67. Walaupun tahan air dan debu, anda wajib menjaga smartphone tersebut. Selain itu fitur sidik jari juga berpengaruh terhadap harga smartphone ini.

-    Baterai dengan kapasitas 2800 mAh, dengan waktu siaga 390 jam dan bicara aktif 21 jam.
Bagaimana sangat canggih bukan Samsung Galaxy S5 ini, dijamin anda tidak akan kecewa dengan membeli smartphone tersebut walau harga Samsung Galaxy S5 ini tergolong mahal.

Samsung Galaxy S5, Smartphone Canggih Dengan Fitur Sidik Jari

By Unknown → Sunday, April 24, 2016
Dalam kamera digital, selalu tersedia roda di bagian atas kamera dimana kita dapat memilih mode operasi kamera dan pilihannya adalah : Auto, P, S (Tv), A (Av), M dan juga Scene. Kode ini adalah singkatan: Auto untuk mode otomatis, P untuk Mode Program, S ataupun Tv untuk Mode Shutter Priority, A ataupun Av untuk Mode Aperture Priority, M untuk memakai Mode Manual dan Scene untuk mode otomatis. Tapi disini kita hanya mengupas dua mode yaitu mode Auto dan juga mode Scene, untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca pengertian di bawah ini:
Memahami Mode Auto Dan Mode Scene Di Kamera

Mode Auto

Mode auto ditandai dengan ikon kamera berwarna hijau atau disertai huruf A. Dalam mode ini, kamera berusaha menganalisis objek yang kita foto kemudian menentukan setelan kamera. Kalau ada istilah point and shoot tanpa ribet harus mengubah apa pun, mode auto ini yang dimaksud.
Terlihat menyenangkan bukan? sayangnya hasil foto bisa dikatakan tidak akan maksimal. Dalam mode auto, kamera menentukan ukuran ISO, Shutter Speed dan juga Aperture memakai alur kerja komputer yang ditentukan pembuat kamera berdasarkan dari kondisi cahaya ketika kita memencet
shutter separuh.

Ketika kita memotret dalam cahaya yang rumit, kamera akan cukup bingung kemudian menghasilkan foto yang tidak seperti sunset yang kita inginkan. Kemudian, anda sudah membeli kamera DSLR atau Mirrorless yang mahal jika dibandingkan kamera saku atau smartphone, terus menerus memotret dengan menggunakan mode auto rasanya jadi mubazir.

Di kamera generasi terbaru, ada mode Intelligent Auto, ini adalah mode auto dengan penambahan fitur contohnya face detection, i-Contrast (Canon) ataupun D-Lighting (Nikon). Ada juga fitur namanya Creative Auto dimana kita dapat mengubah ruang tajam. Kalau kamera anda sudah dilengkapi ini, maka gunakan mode intelligent auto atau creative auto ini.

Mode Scene

Mode Scene adalah pilihan mode dimana kita bisa memilih objek atau pemandangan tertentu sesuai yang kita foto. Misalnya kita mau memotret teman: putarlah mode ke posisi Scene kemudian kita pilih Portrait. Di Mode Scene, kamera sudah dibekali dengan setelan kamera yang digunakan di situasi pemotretan tipikal.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa jenis situasi yang tersedia dalam mode scene:

Portrait: kamera akan otomatis mempersempit ruang tajam sehingga background menjadi blur dan juga membuat wajah model lebih menonjol .

  • Landscape: ketika kita memotret pemandangan, kamera menggunakan ruang tajam yang lebar sehingga objek yang dekat lensa sampai yang terjauh akan terlihat tajam.
  • Macro: ketika anda ingin memotret sesuatu dari jarak yang dekat.
  • Sports: digunakan ketika memotret objek yang bergerak dengan cepat.
  • Night Portrait: digunakan ketika ingin memotret wajah pada saat malam hari.
  • Sunset atau Sunrise: cukup jelas, digunakan ketika ingin memotret sunset ataupun sunrise
  • Fireworks: untuk memotret kembang api dengan memakai shutter speed yang lambat
  • Beach atau Snow: kamera akan melakukan penggunaan untuk menghindari foto under-exposed.

Memahami Mode Auto Dan Mode Scene Di Kamera

By Unknown → Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to Get Money From Aklamio (
Get Money From Aklamio
This time I will be posting download Share a Business Info how to get tens of euros or dollars from the site aklamio with ease, because only with invite someone via the link Affiliate aklamio we already get 20 euros which can be cleared into your paypal account within one week. Terms of Aklamio play you have to have a paypal account it's either Verified or Unverified everything supported by the site Aklamio.

What is a Aklamio (

Aklamio is a site that gives the awards be paid in the form of Euro to member who became Affiliate or offer a product for online goods, services to buyers through the link affiliate which is given, including updating Authentication into your Paypal account Aklamio with the goal of keeping aklamio gets transaction data from your paypal site. 2 paypal will still maintain the security of your paypal account.

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How To Play: Aklamio

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Product of Aklamio

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So the posting about the easy way to get hundreds of Dollars of Euro Aklamio, may be useful and handy well though a bit long payment may the age old also please see his website is very convincing.

How to Get Money From Aklamio (

By Unknown → Saturday, April 16, 2016
The importance of investment must be cultivated from a young age and began as early as possible. When you don't have your own income then you can set aside Your allowance and then ditabungkan and then bought investment products. For you who already have an income, then you can allocate around 10-20% of your income for this investment fund. The question is the right investment products for young children?
Investment Products Are Right For Young Children
The large number of investment products that exist in the market often leaves us confused especially young people with mediocre investment. However, you do not need to be confused because on this occasion I will discuss investment products appropriate for young children.

Some Investment Products Are Right For Young Children

Age under 30 years old in general you have your income and not yet married, it means you do not have a dependent load so you can allocate your income more for investment funds. At this time you should be more aggressive in investing and risk-taking is higher so that it can gain greater preparation for old age. However You should still be careful in the selection of investment products.

1. Investment in shares of stock Investments.

is the right choice of investment products for young people like you because it offers the advantage of very high despite having higher risks. There are at least two types of advantages when you invest in a stock that is indirectly being the "owner" of a company so that it will get the dividends and capital gains, i.e. the profit obtained from the difference between the sale and purchase. While the risk is if there is a bankruptcy on the company they will be or when market conditions deteriorated so maybe you will lose money.

2. Obligation.

Obligation constitute the agreement between first-party debt issuing bonds and parties both you as a buyer. Buying bonds cannot change just like lending money, after a certain period of time then you will get a refund of capital and its profits in the form of the agreed interest. These bonds can be the right choice of investment products for young children who have a large capital and want to play it safe, but yes it benefits any similar deposits.

3. Mutual funds.

Mutual fund is the right choice of investment product and safe for a young child who has limited funds and does not yet have the ability to know their own risk profile because in the mutual funds you can choose an investment manager (MI) to choose the capital markets which will be followed. This type of investment funds from investors lumping aims then transmitted to various instruments of investment in capital markets. You can buy mutual funds as investment products are right for young people in existing banks in your city.

4. Investment property.

Property prices are indeed quite high and steadily increasing from year to year, so the property is the right choice of investment products for young children. In addition to the later property can be adjacent when they will already have families, they will be Your property rented out loh. If you do not have enough money at this time then you can apply for MORTGAGES.

5. Gold Investment.

Investing in gold is probably the right choice of investment products for young children and the most easy to do. You do not need a lot of money to buy the gold bullion that important routine is done, little by little then you will have a lot of gold. Gold including the safest investments at present, but the advantage is very small. When you want to obtain a large enough profit from this investment is then make sure you make a long-term investment.

Investment Products Are Right For Young Children

By Unknown → Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Become an Authoritative Boss and Favored Subordinates. You might think that being the boss that everything could be so easy. However, in practice is not as easy as you might think because of the position of boss "sandwiched" by the position on it and positioned underneath (subordinates). Therefore, an employer should accommodate the interests of his superiors and his subordinates properly.
How to become an Authoritative Boss and Favored Subordinate

1. Come on time

as a supervisor, you must come on time regardless of whether or not you are busy with the Affairs of the non worker (see 7 tips so come on time). When you come on time, subordinate refuses you will not respect to you because reasoned they could also come too late because you as usual late incoming work betters.

2. Reward vs. Punishment

many disappointments subordinate to his superior because the employer assessment is unfair. For example, you gave the same assessment between subordinates who avidly with the lazy. This usually gives the demotivation for subordinates who diligently work because they feel futile work diligently.

To motivate subordinates, you must apply the reward and punishment. As an example, the assessment is more give (reward) to subordinate the diligent work than a lazy subordinate work (punishment). Thus, subordinates who are diligent and lazy will know cause they got a raise that much. Hopefully, they will be more motivated so not lazy.

3. Don't discriminate

Don't discriminate, don't take it-bring the tribe, religion while you are at work. If instead, you will get a "resistance" from Your subordinates who may be offended over remark or your actions. Be aware that there are professional and work in multiple work environments.

4. Interact with subordinates

don't just dwell on the room or Office. If you have spare time, for example when the coffee break or lunch, interact with Your subordinates from any position. When interacting with them, make small talk which is subordinate to you comfortable fishing chat with you. Can a new talk topic related to the work of the
or not.

5. develop a culture of continuous improvement

as a supervisor, you must develop a culture of continuous improvement (continuous improvement). This is generally in the form of continuous efforts in improving its products, services, or processes.

How to become an Authoritative Boss and Favored Subordinate

By SSHAGAN → Monday, April 4, 2016
How to troubleshoot a business devoid of customers. Life seems easy, if it's know how. But in fact many entrepreneurs complain because sales did not rise or the customer does not adds. In fact, existing customer even moved to competitors. Conditions such as the above is indeed not easy for confronting, but could You pick. Possible strategies you do when it's not as easy as what You used to do because of the many competitors that are also doing what you used to do. They even sell at a price that is cheaper than the price you sell so make your sales be quiet and lethargic.

How to troubleshoot a business devoid of customers
Best Business 2016
Thus, if you as an entrepreneur, do you see it as a problem or challenge? Continue reading to the end if you want to get a solution at a time when business is quiet and lethargic.

Step 1: Get a good relationship with the customer 

As an entrepreneur, you should have a customer database and don't get lost contact. At least You call or say hi, even though a new talk has nothing to do with business. The point is establishing relationships with customers so they feel happy with your company.

Step 2: Perform the planning  

A successful business always do planning before execution. If you want to achieve your target, then plan strategy. At least 1 month before you perform a execution. If you have a target to be achieved in April, then you have to plan in March. Be great if You planned it in January or December. Some owners of successful businesses, have 3 months previous planning or 1 of the previous year so that they achieve outstanding results.

Step 3: learn first before you make  

If you want to reach for something more, then learn about it first. Thus, what should you learn? If you want to raise a turnover, then you must learn about selling because every day a lot of updates on the latest strategies are popping up. When you stop learning, you stop at that time to grow. Better yet if you have a business mentor. You do not need to repeat the same mistakes as they face before so that your business success can be accelerated.

How to troubleshoot a business devoid of customers

By SSHAGAN → Saturday, April 2, 2016
How to start a property business So successful and success. Selling the property will certainly be very engrossing. Opportunities that you can get by doing the business of this property will be very large indeed. The property has a lot of business opportunities in the segment of developers and investment. Start a business in the property will greatly accelerate your to get customers and profits.
In order that your easy running a business property, in the following articles will be given some way or quick steps so that the property business was able to shake the market especially in the world of business. And indeed of many businesses run by entrepreneurs, business property which does give an advantage that is most devastating.

What is Business property?. And then actually what it's property business, how to run it, what if the neophyte to run it? Well you don't have to worry, because in the following article will explain in detail about the lucrative business

For it if you are curious how to run a profitable business be business property although still a beginner this is the answer. Therefore, you do not move the bow or even stepped away to read the following article. But before discussing about property business in detail, please note that in this business you have to have capital and certainly not great.

How to start And build a business Property for beginners

Reasons to build a business in the field of property is not a few who argue that the property business will provide great benefits if we jumped inside. Property business is one easy way for you to get a great benefit with a balanced capital.

Do not think if business in property using a large capital ya guys. Because there are some property developers in the area of America and Canada using only capital below USD 10 million. Well for those of you who have the capital that way, you can use it. How to build your own property business is actually very easy for which you have customers and are able to maximize your Ministry in it.

Selling property very different from that of his name managing and doing business in the field of management. Because if management would be no such thing as the theory that the higher profits will increasingly higher risk will be obtained. But in the property business don't know those words. If in the property business presence there is no risk but benefits are increasingly going up and up. Well certainly the more curious rather than how to develop and manage the property business so successful, refer to the following article again.

Property business this can be done by anyone even if you are still a beginner. Property business beginners is certainly going to have differences with the businessman and experienced property has many customers.

But there are times when the businessman in the field of property that is also capable of newbie and still be aligned with the experienced property businessman. This is because the businessmen beginners are able to compete and have a very advanced experiences to develop it. Well then how to advance and develop the property business so successful and managed with great benefits? You can follow the following stages:

1. Select the type of property that has great advantages, such as the field of developers or the field of investment

2. Before doing business, start by investing as investor

3. Make a small research about the instrument over the location you are going to make a property business.

With 3 stages, then you will be very capable of making his own business and without having died the business. Keep doing your investment, but you can open up your own property business with capital gains from these investments. So although only using a small capital to start it, you can develop with large funds after benefiting from the small capital.

Another thing that you need to consider as a way of starting a business property is to make a small research about the micro site. This research aims to find out which areas are good to be used as business property. Usually the property business is very suitable if it is around the center of the crowd. There are public means which can be reached easily such as hospitals, schools, shopping, and so on. And the most profitable is to choose the property around transportation facilities such as the airport or station. This is because the means of transportation will continue to be used for a long period of time.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the people who live in the region. In running the property business is indeed a lot of things that need to be prepared and considered. Prepare well for it, ranging from funding, mental, as well as predictions of all risks that can occur.

That's the discourse and information about the stages and how to start a property business so successful and growing, hopefully the discourse and the above information can be useful for those of you who will read and find information.

3 How to start a property business So successful and success

By SSHAGAN → Wednesday, March 30, 2016